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Our Federation Eyrescroft Primary School
Highlees Primary School

Primary School

Bringing out the Best

Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 page. We have two year 6 classes. One is taught by Mrs Boothdale and the other is taught by Miss Nicholls. Mr Copeland will be teaching the core subjects in a smaller group on a Monday to Friday all morning. 

Remember: The Year 6 school day will be from 8:40 a.m. - 3:10 p.m.

PE: Please see our School News app for your children's PE days. You can find information about the app here.

Please ensure that you wear your PE kit to school on both of these days.  We will not be getting changed prior to the lesson. Children must not wear any earrings or jewellery on PE days. This is an important part of our school curriculum and we encourage all children to take part.  Appropriate PE kit consists of a white t-shirt, black, navy or grey shorts or jogging bottoms/leggings and suitable footwear such as trainers or plimsolls.  Remember also as the weather is becoming colder, jumpers would be a good idea to wear. 


Reading: Children are expected to be responsible for bringing in their reading diaries and books when they need to be changed.  They will need to hand in their reading records for checking on a Friday, along with changing books.  We will continue with the 10 minute pledge, where we promise to read 10 minutes to your child every day - with you reading with them for another 10 minutes.