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Our Federation Eyrescroft Primary School
Highlees Primary School

Primary School

Bringing out the Best

Art Week

It's Art Week and the whole school is having fun. We have been learning about

Beat Boxing - Making musical noises with your mouth and voice.Raps - All the classes have made their own Rap. We then videoed our Raps and played them to everyone.Street Dance - We have all had a Street Dancing lesson and have learnt a dance sequence.Instuments - Each class made Junk Instruments then we all played our Instruments together to a music track.Graffiti - We had a Graffiti Artist come in to school. He worked with some children to produce some Art Work for us.



It's Art Week and the whole school is having fun. We have been learning about

Beat Boxing - Making musical noises with your mouth and voice.Raps - All the classes have made their own Rap. We then videoed our Raps and played them to everyone.Street Dance - We have all had a Street Dancing lesson and have learnt a dance sequence.Instuments - Each class made Junk Instruments then we all played our Instruments together to a music track.Graffiti - We had a Graffiti Artist come in to school. He worked with some children to produce some Art Work for us.