Curriculum Overviews
Please see our overview of the Cornerstones Units and curriculum coverage at the bottom of this page.
- We aim to develop agility, co-ordination and confidence through physical activity. All pupils have two sessions of PE a week, covering dance, gymnastics, games and athletics following the 'Get Set 4 PE scheme'. Year 4 to 6 participate in swimming, where the children develop the skills required to ensure that they are confident swimmers by the time they leave us in Year 6. We encourage a competitive spirit while recognising the value of co-operation, fair play and team work.
- We offer a wide variety of sports clubs for the children to participate in and enjoy the competitive ambience. We provide dodgeball, girls and boys football, rugby and multi-sports. There is a wide variety of clubs for the children to participate in and the children enjoy the competitive ambience. We also participate in a variety of sporting activities within the Jack Hunt Cluster.
- We have a ‘Traditional Sports Day' held in the summer term. All children compete in a selection of strength, stamina and agility activities. Family and friends of the school are always invited to watch this event and the children thoroughly enjoy participating in different races as well as, developing their sportsmanship and team spirit as they watch their peers.
- Physical Education is a vital part of the children’s education and we pride ourselves in the way we help to develop their knowledge of a healthy lifestyle and positive attitudes.
- To develop children's scientific knowledge, understanding and curiosity of the nature, processes and methods of science, for now and the future. Throughout the programmes of study, the children will acquire and develop the key knowledge that has been identified within each unit and across each year group, as well as the application of scientific skills. We ensure that the Working Scientifically skills are built-in and developed throughout children’s time at the school so that they can apply their knowledge of science and develop their understanding of the world.
- We use Cornerstones 'Love to investigate' units to enhance Science provision and ensure coverage.
- Personal, social and health education (PSHE) is taught through the Jigsaw programme.
- It enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of a society. It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.
- Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community and as a result of this they will become healthy, independent and responsible members of a society who understand how they are developing personally and socially. Please see overview below.
- To develop children's experience and understanding of ICT, ensuring they realise the importance of keeping themselves safe online and preparing them for jobs of the future.
- The technical world we live in is constantly evolving and we need to ensure our children have the skills and confidence to integrate effectively and be successful.
- Computing is taught weekly from Year 1-6 where each class has a computing session using the scheme Teach Computing.
- Cornerstones programmes of study ensure the curriculum is fully covered and that progression across school is made.
- In addition to develop children’s experiences and understanding of Geography and History; projects based locally and further afield are taught to inspire and ignite their curiosity about Peterborough, Great Britain and the wider world.
Art and design
- To develop children's experiences, skills and knowledge of art and design, we follow the Access Art programme of study.
Design and Technology
- Design and Technology is taught using the KAPOW scheme of work. It focused on the skills and knowledge of the subject.
- RE is taught following RE Today.
R.E. Intent for Highlees Primary School
Peterborough is a diverse and multicultural city. At Highlees we believe the R.E. plays an important role in helping our children to develop an awareness and understanding of the beliefs and cultures within and beyond their community, carried out through in-school learning, activities and discussion alongside faith based visits.
We aim to satisfy the requirements of the Statutory Curriculum, whilst tailoring it to meet the needs of our pupils. We believe that it is important for our children to learn about religion and from religion, to enable them to develop tolerance and respect towards others and to build their sense of identity and belonging, whilst engendering a thirst for discovering how others perceive the world through religion.
We encourage children to ask questions about the world around them and reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences to ensure progressive development of knowledge and skills of six main religions, throughout their time at Highlees, whilst building a rich vocabulary of keywords to enable children to communicate effectively about what they know and what they hope to discover.
- Our Music curriculum is taught using the Charanga scheme of work. We also work with and alongside Peterborough Music Hub to enable one year group in each school year, to learn a musical instrument.
Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)
- At Highlees Primary School children in KS2 are taught Spanish using Hola Espanol. There are a range of languages spoken within school and we celebrate this diversity at every opportunity.